Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Done tinkering with Darwin

Today I released Darwin framework for evolutionary computation, version 2.2.01 and I'm done.  No more updates unless somebody has a really interesting problem to solve, preferably for ca$h!  The traveling salesman solution is much better now. Various other improvements too. Along with it, I've updated tostring (1.0.1) and beanpot (1.0.9).  See my Sourceforge page (on Profile) for more details.

The new method for solving the traveling salesman problem is somewhat inspired by the Lenski experiment.  It's not quite the same, but both are based on asexual reproduction and both involve successive generations that are externally managed.  Of course, in the Lenski experiment there are real live critters in there, E. coli to be precise.  Whereas my solutions are purely bits and bytes.  But it's really helpful to keep an eye out for real biology to improve the framework.

In the latest version, I had to implement clone() on a lot of the classes.  Grrr!  See my other post regarding Things Java Got Wrong.

OK, back to work!

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